Bonded Warehouse
HMRC has approved our premises as a customs bonded warehouse.
Some of our customers use customs warehousing as an opportunity to bulk purchase their products; buying ahead when exchange rates are favourable and knowing that they have secure storage facility, at very reasonable rates.
Fortunately, St Mark can provide you with a complete service. With our extensive bonded warehousing experience, St Mark is happy to offer advice and help on any customs issues that you have. If you have a specific query, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Additionally, you can use St Mark’s bonded warehouse when your goods have arrived in the UK and:
- You’re uncertain about the final destination of your goods upon arrival.
- Your import licenses or paperwork have been delayed.
- You want to discharge another customs procedure such as inward processing relief (IPR).
- You wish to store your goods together with goods subject to another customs procedure with economic impact (e.g. processing under Customs Control, IPR) or with goods that are already in free circulation